Apparently, proudly, the Malaysian first mobile telecommunication device, better known as M.Mobile is not really stand in Malaysian market itself. The brand has been overshadowed by the well established mobile. So what is the phenomenon behind it?
In the impression they make was convincing me that they really are making good mobiles. The features of the phone (M10i) are quite astonishing, with 1.3 megapixels digital camera, waktu solat reminder, as well as the qiblat direction, useful right. In the other side, the price is reasonable too. Again, why does it not meets our market?
Here, I’ve a good example which it’s in the same circumstance. It’s the history of Sony Corporation. Shortly after the loose of Japan in WW2, the Japanese Sony Corporation got the desire to shine in the world. I remind you, in that time, they are not a famous company yet. They tried to enter the market of Europe to sell its brilliant product is called radio transistor (which now is the revolutionized to Walkman, and the latest mobile Walkman), no longer to be just ‘jaguh kampong’ anymore.
The trial is not easy. And the pressure is surprisingly high. You know what? At that time, the country of German where is extremely high in engineering technology. Far different from Japanese technology, they were beginning in that area. The irony is, for Sony it doesn’t a big deal; they work hard, play hard and smart too! What the secrets?
The marketing strategy had played the role. The idea is, it’s not just only create a good, quality product, but create a marketable environment for the product. I believe that a successful product is based on 3F; features, feels, function. In short, how about you think about 3F effectiveness?