

blajar english with japanese
My sensei gave me this link for those yg nak blajar english. I gave a try and it seems pretty nice.
I will give u excersices to make sure u will remember the words that u want to remember. Check it out!

dezain kenkyu
recently besides of the functioanlity of websites, i do research on the structure of it. i mean the design. there are tons of good resource of those. but how they did that. 

or this,

it's easy to copy and paste, (of course make litle adjustment if u can). but the i wonder how they got the idea. 

one of my thoughts is it's all begin with pencil and paper. they measured one by one with ruler. making gap, block, and other traditional technique. then, they reflect it into digital artwork like illustrator or photoshop. yeah. somekind like that. 

so, visit my kenkyu page at http://hijzdesign.net/kenkyu/ . i did something good there haha..
Autumn yg sgt SEjuKK err~~~
 Malam biase 20 degree pagi dah cecah 17 degree. Begitulah gambaran dari sudut cuaca di Tokyo (duk kat suburb je). Kalau perkiraan malam dan siang, senang tengok waktu solat, subuh pukul 4:34 am, maghrib 4:50 pm. Rasanya macam waktu malam yang sangat panjang, kira-kira beza waktu solat tu 12jam 26minit saje. Lebih kurang jelah...

 Tapi basically ape yang nak perkatakannya cuaca nya begitu sejuk. Memang elok benar time2 ni makan makanan pedas macam nasi lemak punya sambal. Memang kaw, ape lagi jika saya sendiri yang masak hehe (baru blajr2 je). Dah lah pizza x de skrang... kes susu campuran melamin di China.
 Tambahan pulak time camni, kite kene lebih excersice lebih skit untuk mengekalkan metabolisma dan stamina. Kalau nak keluar rumah tu dah sejuk, tambah lagi nak hujan2 tu. So, untuk menyelesaikan masalah tu, sy telah mmbelanjakan 7000yen utk dapatkan WiiFit chuko(2nd hand). 2hd pn nampak cam baru je, just battery je kene tukor. Yosh, blh la beryoga, dan berniku tore. Keluar lah peluh skit2.

 Cume nak dekat winter ni... kene ingat utk besiap sedia je. Baju bulu2 kene ade (lagi mahal lg bagus), tilam kene empuk plus tebal, kotatsu plus lapik khas nyer, dan selimut kene mantap jugak. Itu lah die persediaan fizikalnya. Kalu mental nyer, sblh-boleh nyer gi dai. 

  Okay itu die kisah autum yg sgt sejuk. Autumn x dpt dirase di Malaysia (negara yg dekat dgn matahari). 

php, jsp, and design
Kombinasi yg menarik developer dan designer. Sekarang ni buat experiment berkenaan jsp (java servlet page) for web application. But somehow i also want to enter design segment too. So sy skit2 blajar lah mcm mane nk mendesign web page ni. 

Bkn skadr berkerje dgn komp tp mcm mane nak handle dgn org lain dlm tempat kerja yg same. Contoh (base drpd buku web designer jepun), kat syarikat buat website. Ade ramai orang. Chief designer, web engineer, web delevoper, and ade lah juga designer. Pastu pulak, ade pula kaitan dengan pengurusan server, and pengurusan credit kad. For the last one, kaitan dgn client, iaitu org yg mempercayai syrkt tu.

As you can imagine, kat mane2 pn same, mcm2 kerenah yg perlu dihadapi dgn mcm orang. Basically org yg baru bekerja kat sane akan dpt kerje yg mudah2 dulu. Such assistant desinger. Ape yg perlu dibuat is just follow the chief designer lah.

For other things, workflow is also important. From beginning dpt order drpd client, then kite perlu estimate how long we can settle the project. Biase nye estimation ni dibuat dgn template Excel utk guidance kite kat mane kite dah pi. Pas tu designlah as follows the chief. Then do presentation utk client. 

Tu sje lah for now, till next time.  
Risyu Toroku 履修登録 (Pendaftaran Subjek)
Semalam koukasai (festival), jd hari x rak kelas as nak bersihkan site kat sini. Bcoz it didn't notice that so i came to school today. Alang2 tu gi ke kyomuka (hal ehwal pelajar) utk gimon (tny) prob risyu toroku.

Last friday was the last day for risyu toroku ni. But then time nk toroku throgh web, ade 2 subjek yg x dapt ku daftarkan, subjek media cg animation, dan subjek foreign lang. nihongo. Jadi tunggu smpai hr ni nk gi tny kyomuka but orng tu kate subjek media tu dah x leh toroku lagi. Mksudnye... spttnye gi kyomuka tu last week lagi utk gimon subjek yg x dpt ditorokukan tu.

Frust jugak lah sikit, sbb subjek tu nyer group pn dah buat. Bt people makes mistakes and i should learn from it. Anyway subjek nihongo tu still boleh diambil, kesimpulannye aku ambik 20tan i sem ni, means 10 subjects.

Sorry for uninteresting story but gambare for all of you!
alhamdulillah, tak sampai 24 jam kot hosting dari msia dan domain dari jepun dapat berkolobrasi. Jadi blhlah tgk2 dulu hijzdesign ni. As i wrote it before, it will be my design portfolio and i will put some flash apps. Wait a... pe die tu flash apps?

Sy dah ade idea pasal flash apps tp x sure lagi samaada blh dpt dilaksanakan ke tak. Actually, flash apps adalah flash application store. Kalau nak buat bisnes skit, blh la taruk bbrape dolar kalau nk download flash apps. Konsepnye mcm apple appstore lah pulak. But these apps are bundled with source files too. 

pasal hosting dr msia tu sesape yg berminat blh la cari kat mesrahosting. blh dpt 10gb dgn rm100 setahun. well, kalau duk jepun x rase sgt nilai 100rm, jd it's very affordable. tambahan plak baru2 ni dgr cite tukaran duit msia mkin naik sampai 3.5. anyhow, dgn 10gb hosting tu nak buat ape agaknye, so far html, swf, ... pn x sampai 1 gb. Tak gune semua mottainakunai? 

Jd sy memikirkan ape yg patut ditaruk pd server tu. Kalau software2 ikenai tu byk lah :) tp... uhmmm.... maaa, tgk dn lihat sj lah nanti.

Koukasai, AfterEffects
Yeah, today is my first time visit koukasai in Japan. Um basically koukasai ni cam matsuri jugaklah yg diadakan di pelbagai tempat especially kat daigaku. As well kat my dai too. I went with other ryuugakuseis and some japanese. Eat, eat, and taiken. Nice to go there!

But i dont want tell much about that.

Well i got plan to do some graphic editing for my nihon go presentation with Flash. do something with after effects, but i disappointed with my little dynabook caus it freezes when handling with somekind of HD video. Anyway you did a good job dynabook, its okay. 

however ......im looking for a new desktop. 

and also i got to finish up my brand new business model :), hijzdesign.net which i've rent the domain and hosting. I think i made a good choice economically as i use malaysian hosting and japanese domain (not .jp). For malaysian hosting is about 100RM for a year. (bout 2,861.85 yen/year) and i got my .net for 789yen or 27.5695 MYR for a year. 

i am still wainting for my domain to combine or to (nk cakap english nye is) propagate with the hosting server. it said to be 24 hours to 48 hours. okay iam waiting. 

so what i am going to do with that thing. basically cume nk buat portfolio sy sebagai freelancer untuk buat graphic/or flash animation or etc. and boleh la test buat utk web applications and so on. 

if you want to see beforehand the idea of it, please go here

that's all today. seeyanexttime.
Kenkyu atau melayunye penyelidikan atau engshishnye research. Kat universiti jepun ni bile masuk tahun ke-4 perlu membuat kenkyu ni. Jadi nak dipendekan cerita sy dah dapat kenkyu masuk satu kenkyu shitsu ni. Senseinye ialah Encik Ikuno, buat kenkyu pasal numeric calcuation. Aku pn x tau menahu pasal benda tu. Sebab aku pilih kenkyu tu pasal die buat calculation tu gune pemprosesan PS3 dan ade kaitan juga dengan computer graphic. So i thought it will be great to do something like that.

Hari ni first time gi kenkyu-shitsu tu. Blh tahan la penerangan die. Tp kenkyu just numeric calculation tu mungkin agak membosankan pada hematku. Jadi sy telah mencadangkan kat sensei tu agar aku dpt buat kenkyu yg sy nak buat. Basically sy nak try with web application. But sensei ckp web application ni dah banyak kat dunia maya ni. Jadi sensei mencadangkan agar buat e-learning generasi baru. Sy pn fikir orait jugak. Pastu sy mulalah nak menambah kalau gune Flash mesti mantap. Tambah lagi dengan podcast. Dengan kedua-dua unsur tu didarab akan menghasilkan impak yg maksima. Tu lah yg sy duk fikir2 kan.

Yg bestnye pasni blh demand Apple iMac baru denga Adobe Production Suite untuk buat kenkyu ni hahaha... (angan atau blh jadi reality?) Blh la gak nak develop program utk iPhone.

Ape2 pn kene propos baik2 nye kat sensei ni. Anyway sy sendiri dah buat kenkyu Flash ni. Dengan mengunakan Adobe Flash CS3, guna ActionScript 2.0, sy membina website flash penuh utk just mcm portfolio. Jd portfolio tu blh di visit di sini:


Byk lagi akn diupdate, just ade mase ke x. Ok till then. Maal salamah.
Montaj hari raye

Tak terlambat lagi sy nak ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin. Walaupn berade di perantauan (chewah) tp kemeriahan ku rasakan tetap same jugak di Msia. Kalau dah ade kat luar negeri ni biase nye orng suke beraye di embassy. Tp this year oleh kerana embassy tutup, then orang daerah hachioji ni menempahlah dewan untuk solat raya. 

Lepas tu kami ramai2 pergi ke kediaaman orang2 kuat embassy, rase mcm rumah terbuka di msia saje. Then hari raye ke-3 pula jiran sy pula bikin open house pula. 

Kesempatan ni jugak nak letak montaj raye jauh dari jepang. 

Ok, sehingga berjumpa lagi Peace!