

the another scientific result
London, Mar 30 (ANI): Russian scientists have claimed that beating on the naked buttocks with a cane can cure everything from drug abuse to alcohol addiction and from depression to suicidal tendencies.

The researchers at Novosibirsk said that caning releases endorphins, the body's natural 'happiness hormones', which lead to feelings of euphoria, a reduction of appetite, the release of sex hormones, an enhancement of the immune response and prevents drug and alcohol addiction.

"The treatment works. I'm not sadistic, at least not in the classical sense, but I do advocate caning," Fox News quoted lead researcher Dr Sergei Speransky as saying to Izvestia daily.

The scientists recommend a standard treatment course of 30 sessions with 60 of the best, delivered on the buttocks by a person of average build.

Another researcher, Dr Marina Chuhrova, said that she had 10 patients she caned regularly. "At first they didn't like it, but when they started to feel the benefits they kept asking for more."

The Russian team will now start charging for the caning sessions getting 57 pounds per patient for a standard treatment. (ANI)

Just a suggestion!!
Who will be the first Malaysian Apprentice?

Let flashing back to the first time I knew how the reality game, The Apprentice, in the middle of 2004. On my first sight I watched the preview for the next episode of the Apprentice season 1. I saw the contestant, or we can refers as the candidates, seemed with a variety of their crazy expression. They acted look like: exited, laughing, and while the others show disappointment. For me, I exactly don’t understand what they were actually doing. It such a blur imitation for me about the gameshow. Suddenly, many thought running in my mind. What are they playing for? How the game-play was running?

Later on, I’d questioned to my mom about this reality-game-show. The answer is the game is similar to SURVIVOR (in fact, both were directed by the same person, Mark Burnett) But the differences are the host might say “you’re fired” to eliminate the candidates (contrast to “the tribe has spoken” in SURVIVOR). And the candidates were having luxurious life in the concrete jungle, with all their needs. For the game-play, basically is just not much different to SURVIVOR series. In each one-hour series, each candidate in teams get a main task. If one team won, they’ll get something surprising. While, the loser team, one (or even two) of the team will be fired. A man with all h has, a multi-billionaire real-estate owner, Donald J. Trump, the only person who has the full-power to fire someone.

And that’s it for the intro for my brainchild of the Malaysian Apprentice below. Blog is the place to write anything. But, don’t just copy n cat.

In the new millennium era, Malaysian television’s watchers are demanding more excitement, thriller, high stakes, heart-stopping action, and sexier and, of course, more cash in the incoming gameshows. Now we can say that it’s not enough to say that commercial entertainment has to be just music stuffs and movies or gaming. We may like to see controversy, conspiracy, criticism and tactics. That’s why TV reality show was tremendously growth in the international TV broadcasting. As the result, I just want to mention local programs here, we can be proud of Explorace, Malaysian Idol(MI), Akademi Fantasia(AF), Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, Nescafe Kick-Start, Aspirasiku, Malaysian Top Host and more (which are not so popular). And the number of the TV reality shows will grow time by time.

Nevertheless, I’m sick with the SMS concept TV gameshows especially AF and MI, which the viewers have rights to vote the contestant. In my opinion, it is just wasting money, and the rate per SMS is about 50 cents, quite high. Vote for nothing. On the other side, for what we want to produce a lot of singer. But it depends on personal preserve.

As the alternative for that, it’s better to create people whom can give benefit to nation, races and religion. For instance, in business and career arena, we’ve Nescafe Kick-Start (for now as I knew). Perhaps, it’ll open Malaysian eyes, at least a bit, to see Malaysian citizen are also have their terrific ideas or concepts in making something new. Moreover, we also want to create people who can manage one big company after undergoing the ultimate job interview. Yes, what if Malaysian TV producer create something like The Apprentice series.

The main idea comes by. The points might seem less than the intro.

Looking forward, we may absorb The Apprentice’s concept into Malaysian and local environment. Have you wonder what it will be? Who will be the Malaysian Trump? Frankly, it’s hard to figure out as Malaysia is a third-world country. But why not just give a try to make it true, or at least just a rough plan.

The title - I prefer with The Malaysian Apprentice. Kalau bahasa Melayu bagi nama ‘Oh Pararintis’.

Language - dual-language (Malay + English)

The games - sell own newspaper, milk, cheese… create art, music, promotion… and lots more, you name it.

The host - I prefer … maybe Mr. Jalaludin Hassan. Or somebody who have their own successful business such: Mr. Yusof Haslam, Mr. Bukhari…

How to fire – we can say “mat… kamu dipecat”

The candidate – 8 persons in one team and they will be 2 team.

The prize – must be so irresistible, big cash or a good position in a company.

Thanks for reading this article, more to be updated in future. The writer doesn’t have any relation with Donald Trump and any others TV company. Please give a comment.
How to lessen exam stress??
- Make your own time table to manage time and keep yourself in discipline.
- Make notes, can reduce tense.
- Ask teacher if you don’t understand in one subject. And go for it as fast as possible.
- Preparation in mentality, always reading and focusing on it.
- Keep balance on your emotion.
- Physically fit.
- Social – be friend with hardworking and motivational person.
- As a muslim, do solat tahajud.
- Know your winning point/strength and weakness.
pics say thousand words...

eh, new version of my.hijz?
Yup definitely, i did it for now. It was easier to update thru online with blogspot. Without hassle to use any WYSIWYG application.

the older version is called amplciast - web machine was born on July 2002, which it is still avalaible to surf on at .

*problem on smstsss.net's guestbook.
*problem with maxis provider - cured

that's it for now. cya...
why do muslims care?
Why Muslim can't consume pork or even PorkSausage.

You want to know?? Good scientific explanation
[Adakah anda ingin tahu. Satu penjelasan saintifik yang bagus.]

Bob: Tell me why is it that a Muslim is very particular about the words Halaal and haraam; what do they mean?
[Terangkan kepada saya kenapa orang Islam ni sangat mementingkan dan begitu teliti dengan istilah 'Halal dan juga Haram' apa sebenarnya maksud perkataan-pekataan tersebut.]

Yunus: That which is permissible is termed Halaal and that which
is not permissible is termed Haraam and it is the Quran which draws the distinction between the two.
[Halal bermaksud perkara yang dibenarkan dalam Islam manakala haram pula bermaksud perkara yang tidak dibenarkan dalam Islam dan al Quranlah yang telah menggariskan perbezaan diantara keduanya.]

Bob: Can you give me an example?
[Boleh awak beri saya contoh?]

Yunus: Yes, Islam has prohibited blood of any type. You will agree that a chemical analysis of blood shows that it contains an abundance of uric acid, a chemical substance which can be injurious to human health.
[Islam telah melarang memakan apa jua jenis darah kecuali darah ikan dan belalang kalau tak silap saya). Kamu tentu akan setuju bahawa satu analisis kimia terhadap darah menunjukkan ia mengandungi banyak asid urik, iaitu bahan kimia yang merbahaya pada kesihatan manusia.]

Bob: You're right about the toxic nature of uric acid, in the human being it is excreted as a waste product and in fact we are told that 98 percent of the body's uric acid is extracted from the blood by the kidneys and removed through urination.
[Kamu benar berkaitan dengan toksik semulajadi yang terkandung dalam asid urik ni. Di dalam badan manusia, ia digolongkan sebagai bahan kumuh/buangan,malahan kami diberitahu bahawa 98 peratus dari asid urik ini diekstrak/ditapis daripada darah oleh buah pinggang dan dibuang melalui sistem perkumuhan.]

Yunus: Now I think that you'll appreciate the special prescribed
method of animal slaughter in Islam.
[Sekarang saya rasa kamu akan dapat merasai betapa beruntungnya satu cara istimewa dlm Islam berkenaan penyembelihan binatang.]

Bob: What do you mean?
[Apa maksud kamu.]

Yunus: You see, the wielder of the knife, whilst taking the name
of the 'Almighty', makes an incision through the jugular veins, leaving all other veins and organs intact.
[Maksudnya, ketajaman pisau, menyembelih dengan menggunakan nama Allah yang Maha Besar, menyembelih pada urat leher, ini semua akan menyebabkan organ-organ penting lain pada haiwan tidak rosak.]

Bob: I see, this causes the death of the animal by total loss of blood from the body, rather than an injury to any vital organ.
[Jadi kematian pada haiwan adalah melalui cara hilangnya darah secara keseluruhan daripada tubuh haiwan tersebut dan bukannya dengan mencederakan pada organ-organ penting yang lain.]

Yunus: Yes, were the organs, example the heart, the liver, or the
brain crippled or damaged, the animal could die immediately and its blood would congeal in its veins and would eventually permeate the flesh. This implies that the animal flesh would be permeated and contaminated with uric acid and therefore very poisonous; only today did our dieticians realize such a thing.
[Ya, sebagai contoh, sekiranya organ jantung, hati, atau otak retak atau rosak, binatang itu akan mati dengan cepat dan darahnya akan menjadi kental dalam salur darah dan ini secara perlahan-lahan akan menyebabkan ia meresap ke dlm daging. Ini akan menyebabkan daging diresapi dan tercemar dengan asid urik menyebabkan ia menjadi amat beracun dan baru sekarang pakar-pakar diet menyedari akan hal ini.]

Bob: Again, while on the topic of food; Why do Muslims condemn the eating of pork or ham or any foods related to pigs or swine.
[Bercakap mengenai makanan ni,kenapa orang Islam ni menolak untuk makan daging khinzir @ sebarang makanan yang berkaitan dengannya.]

Yunus: Actually, apart from the Quran prohibiting the consumption
of pork, bacon (pig flesh); in fact the Bible too in Leviticus chapter 11, verse 8, regarding swine it says," of their flesh (of the swine, another name for pig) shall you not eat, and of their carcass you shall not touch;they are unclean to you. Further, did you know that a pig cannot be slaughtered at the neck for it does not have a neck; that is according to its natural anatomy. A Muslim reasons that if the pig was to be slaughtered and fit for human consumption the Creator would have provided it with a neck. Nonetheless, all that aside,I am sure you are well informed about the harmful effects of the consumption of pork, in any form, be it pork chops, ham, bacon.
[Sebenarnya, ada bahagian daripada Al-Quran melarang penggunaan daging khinzir ini. Malah dalam Bible sendiri dalam Leviticus, chapter 11, verse 8, berkaitan dengan daging khinzir. Mengikut Bible, janganlah kamu makan, dan bangkainya janganlah kamu sentuh, ia adalah tidak bersih untuk kamu. Tahukah juga kamu bahawa seekor khinzir tidak boleh disembelih pada lehernya kerana ia sendiri sebenarnya tidak mempunyai leher jika kita nak tengok dari anatomi semulajadinya. Bagi orang Muslim sekiranya khinzir itu boleh disembelih dan sesuai utk keperluan manusia, maka Tuhan tentunya akan menjadikan khinzir itu mempunyai leher. Apapun, tanpa melihat pada semua itu, saya yakin bahawa kamu tentu tahu betapa daging khinzir ini, walau dalam apa jua bentuk pun akan memberikan kesan yang merbahaya.]

Bob: The medical science finds that there is a risk for various disease as the pig is found to be a host for many parasites and potential diseases.
[Sains perubatan mendapati bahawa khinzir ini merupakan hos/perumah bagi pelbagai jenis parasit dan berisiko kepada terhadap pelbagai jenis penyakit.]

Yunus: Yes, even apart from that, as we talked about uric acid content in the blood, it is important to note that the pig's biochemistry excretes only 2 percent of its total uric acid content, the remaining 98 percent remains as an integral part of the body.
[Ya, malah selain daripada itu sebagaimana kita berbincang mengenai kandungan asid urik dalam darah tadi, didapati khinzir hanya membuang 2 peratus daripada kandungan asid uriknya sebagai bahan kumuhan dan baki 98 peratus lagi akan kekal sebagai sebahagian dari tubuhnya.]

# Morgan, M.R.A., McNerney, R., Chan, H.W-S. and Anderson, P.H. (1986) Ochratoxin A in pig kidney determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). J. Sci. Food Agric., 37, 475-480.

# Anderson, P.H., Webb, G.A.H., Jackman, R. and Morgan, M.R.A. (1984). Ochratoxicosis and ochratoxin A residues in pig's kidneys - a pilot survey. In: Proceedings of Fifth Meeting on Mycotoxins in Animal and Human Health (eds. Moss, M.O. and Frank, M.) Surrey University Press, pp. 23-29.